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Noun: stush (stʌʃ)

Afro-Caribbean term used to describe a manner of being posh; classy or stylish. 

It means to carry one’s self with a conceited air hauteur while showcasing the physical appearance to back it up. 

Cracked Concrete Wall
Picture this...

...You’re getting ready to go out, to go to work, to meet someone of interest (preferably romantically) or just completing your daily grooming routine and you want to look you’re best!


You have your key cosmetic products at your disposal to bring out the best of your hair, skin and beauty specifically so that the end result will culminate in someone from your inner circle accusing you of being Stush.


It is then at that point when you cheekily smile, that you know without a doubt that you’re ready

Where is that one ‘go-to’ place where you could guarantee would have what you wanted? What you needed? Well up until now there wasn’t one and that’s where we come in!
Cocktail Hour

We at Stushup relate to that scenario (Hence the name) 

...and because we relate to it so well we thought we would turn that relatability into a business. So when the time comes for you to get ready for an occasion and you need your ‘go-to’ products, we have your back, skin and hair!


Spoilt for choice!

In doing so we have created the ultimate cosmetics store to satisfy all your cosmetic needs.  Established and founded on the dedication, commitment and embodiment of being stush. Stushup provides over 1500 exceptional beauty products, from over 150 brands and counting.

Our mission statement is deliberately concise:

Encouraging people to look, feel and be Stush by unlocking their inner beauty

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